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martedì 25 febbraio 2014


Glory to God and honor to science.
Because is the "Reason" that helps the "Volition".

Mattia Di Cuozzo

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

In present offended

I've perhaps believed,  
talked alone with myself, and I have not seen.  
shocked my old chaps
've taken the life,  
didn't seem me, if well swiped them a butt
telling tales
not being upright,  
banging a tootsie, even softly,  
in the time that I don't drive any thought, 
they go everywhere but not where I wish really.
for every action there is a precise cadence,  
which is quashed by His presence. 

Once by myself at the thirty-seventh minute of the sixth hour of the twenty-fifth day on Saturday, January, in the year 2014th.


lunedì 3 febbraio 2014

I'll start seeing

He certainly hate you:
He made a pretty good spite:
"But what I did or what I said!"
Do you think while you laugh falsely.
Nothing is as it was before:
you curse and turn up your nose:
"Enough! I'm done with You"
Who lets you know that rhyme?
If you just get up your eyes, with your heart,
you'd be blinded by the Sun of Love.
Finished by myself to the nineteenth minute of the sixth hour of the twenty-ninth day of Wednesday, January 2014th year.
For You.